新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金秀贤和妹妹不熟?"叫兽"复杂家庭关系大起底


Kim soo Hyun and sister unfamiliar? "Beast" complicated family relations Da Qidi

2015-07-23 10:18:35来源: 南方网

摘要: 金秀贤同父异母的妹妹金珠娜以歌手身份正式出道。金秀贤的粉丝们为什么如此不待见妹妹?金秀贤和妹妹为啥没有太多交集?金秀贤还有哪些亲戚,真的是他亲戚么? 继前段时间爆出韩剧《我的奇妙男友》饰演...

Abstract: Jin Xiuxian half sister Kim Na as a singer official debut. Kim Su Hyon fans why don't like my sister? Kim Su Hyon and his sister why not too many? Kim Su Hyon and what other relatives, is it really his relatives? Following some time ago, the drama of my wonderful boyfriend played...