新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016海南美食文化节9月9日将于海口名门广场开幕


On September 9, 2016, hainan cuisine culture festival will be opened in haikou house square

2016-09-06 02:48:54来源: 南海网

据海南日报报道丨记者郭萃 见习记者 郭畅 9月9日至11日,为期3天的2016海南美食文化节将在海口名门广场举行,将通过美食博览、特色小吃展示、美食文化研讨会等多种形式,挖掘和展示海南美食资源,...

According to hainan daily reported 丨 reporter guo extraction Trainee journalist Guo Chang September 9 to 11, the three-day 2016 hainan food culture festival will be held in haikou house square, through food expo, characteristics snacks a variety of forms such as exhibition, seminar on food culture, mining, and demonstrate hainan food resources,...