新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitter下调最低广告投入 但贴纸广告依然很贵

Twitter下调最低广告投入 但贴纸广告依然很贵

Twitter lowered minimum advertising But the stickers advertising is still very expensive

2016-08-31 15:37:44来源: TechWeb

Twitter下调了部分广告产品的最低广告投入,但“推广贴纸”(Promoted Sticker)的价格仍然很贵,最低投入门槛高达50万美元。 Twitter上的贴纸广告:这种贴纸可以覆盖在用户的图片上 Twitter今年6月推出了贴纸功能,可以将其覆盖在用户发布的图片上,并像话题标...

Twitter cut part of the minimum advertising, advertising products but "promotion Sticker" (Promoted becomes) still very expensive, the price of the lowest investment threshold of $500000. Twitter stickers advertising: the sticker can be covered in the user's Twitter launched in June this year sticker on the picture function, it can be covered on the posted pictures, and be like a topic mark...