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To the sunset the most beautiful gardener Tribute

2016-09-10 08:52:23来源: 杭州网

1987年,王玉田来到杭州老干部大学教书法。这么多年,他和学校一起由新世纪的跨越发展时期,迈进了如今“一校两区”的办学新时期,见证了几代学员的成长。 “老年人要学好毛笔字更是不容易。从身体上看体力...

1987, Wang Yutian came to Hangzhou veteran university to teach calligraphy. So many years, he and the school by the new century spanning development period, and now a school two zones, the new era of school, witnessed the growth of several generations of students. It is not easy for the old to learn the brush words. Physical strength...