新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炸裂730台后,三星宣布在美国召回280万台洗衣机


Burst in 730, samsung announced the recall of 2.8 million washing machines in the United States

2016-11-05 15:27:20来源: 大众网

在美国损毁的三星洗衣机。 召回的Galaxy Note 7手机还在因环保问题亟待处理,三星又开始大批量召回“爆炸”洗衣机了。 美国时间11月4日上午,美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)在美国早间电...

Damaged samsung washing machine in the United States. Recall the Galaxy Note 7 phones because of environmental problems to deal with, samsung mass recall "bang" the washing machine again. The time on the morning of November 4, the U.S. consumer product safety commission, the CPSC) morning electricity in the United States...

标签: 三星