新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科大讯飞胡郁:十年后每个人都离不开人工智能


Hkust xunfei Hu Yu: everyone is inseparable from the artificial intelligence after ten years

2016-09-13 14:08:36来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 9月13日消息,由新浪科技举办的主题为“未来之境”的第二届新浪C+峰会今天上午在北京金茂万丽酒店正式开幕,科大讯飞创始人、轮值总裁、研究院院长胡郁表示,在过去的几年当中,大家已经接受互联...

Dispatch of sina science and technology on September 13, organized by sina science and technology of the theme of "the future of" the second annual sina C + summit in Beijing this morning Jin Maowan hotel opening, hkust xunfei founder, rotating President, dean Hu Yu said that in the past few years, we have to accept Internet...