新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内地客买香港保险续保退保两难 电汇续保已经被封堵

内地客买香港保险续保退保两难 电汇续保已经被封堵

Mainland tourists to buy Hong Kong insurance renewal surrender dilemma by t/t renewal have been blocked

2017-01-12 07:49:00来源: 新浪

■本报记者 尹力行 “对不起,我已经从保险公司离职,您保单后续情况可以联系我的同事Maggie。”这是一位香港地区保险代理人近日在朋友圈发送的消息。保险代理人的离职似乎并不奇怪,但是对于一个香港...

S our correspondent Yin Li line "I'm sorry, I have resigned from the insurance company, policy follow-up situation you can contact my colleague Maggie." This is a Hong Kong insurance agent recently in the circle of friends to send message. Insurance agent's departure doesn't seem strange, but for a Hong Kong...