新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天下3》全新西海家园实拍 16日即将开盘

《天下3》全新西海家园实拍 16日即将开盘

"World 3" new western home make 16 will be opened

2017-06-06 09:06:18来源: 新浪

6月16日,《天下3》年中全新资料片“剑啸昆仑”即将重磅来袭!全新西海家园实录视频今日首曝!如梦如幻的西海仙境,神奇瑰丽的十巫传说,外加全新的家具装饰体验,秘宝争夺战PVP玩法,前所未有的革新力作,重磅惊喜福利,今日抢先预览! [全新西海家园实拍视频首曝,临仙而居玩法多样] 从视频...

On June 16, the 3 years, the new expansion "sword whistling kunlun" the blockbuster hit! A new western home video records first revealed today! Dreaming of the western paradise, the ten wizard magic magnificent legend, plus new furniture decorate experience, things for PVP play, unprecedented innovation, big surprise benefits, exclusive preview today! [new western home scene shooting video first exposure, the fairy in gameplay variety] from the video...