新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柯震东晒旧照线条纤细 粉丝心疼:不要太瘦

柯震东晒旧照线条纤细 粉丝心疼:不要太瘦

Ke Zhendong sun according to the old lines of fine fans distressed:, 13 8 months not too skinny

2015-08-13 12:02:09来源: 中国青年网

中新网8月13日电 据香港“明报”消息,昨日,柯震东在社交网站晒出一张去年和前年的半裸照片,并写道:“前年去年,左右都不想要。” 照片中,柯震东虽然上身稍有肌肉,但腰部却十分纤细。有粉丝看过照片后表示很心痛,叮嘱他多吃点,不要太瘦。

Beijing according to Hong Kong "Ming Pao news yesterday, Ke Zhendong in the social networking site drying out a last year and the year before last half naked photos, and wrote:" and the year before last year, so all don't want. " Photos, although the upper part of the upper body of the upper part of the body, but the waist is very slim. Some fans said after seeing the photograph very heartache, told him to eat, not too thin.