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It is necessary for traditional watchmaking panic?

2015-04-06 00:03:30来源: 新浪网

阿怪 Apple Watch在巴塞尔钟表展前终于露出了科技獠牙,它那酷似传统手表的设计,让一众看客嘀嘀咕咕,有了Apple Watch,高大上的瑞士制表业是不是要玩完了? 一部分消费者觉得Apple Watch一定是来革瑞士手表的命的,就像当初苹果手机干掉了诺基亚[微博]等老牌制...

strange Apple Watch in the Basel Watch Fair before finally revealed its design technology tusks, resembles the traditional watch, so all the spectators continued, with Apple Watch, the Swiss watch industry big Shi Bushi end? Some consumers think Apple Watch is gram Swiss watch life, just like the original apple mobile phone to get rid of the old system of micro-blog Nokia []...