新关注 > 信息聚合 > 立春过后冷空气又来袭 未来一周晴间多云为主

立春过后冷空气又来袭 未来一周晴间多云为主

After the beginning of spring and the cold air strikes the next main rooms for a week Partly Cloudy

2016-01-31 13:26:01来源: 大众网

半岛都市报1月30日讯(记者 孙桂东) 30日,记者从市气象台了解到,未来一周岛城将以晴间多云的天气为主,气温变化幅度较大。下周一市区最低-6℃左右,之后逐渐回升。到了周五,也就是2月5日,一股新的...

Peninsula Metropolis Daily, January 30 (Reporter Sun Guidong) 30, the reporter learned from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, the next week will be the Castle Partly cloudy weather, large temperature change range. Monday urban minimum of about -6