新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年福建高考文科状元663分:连江一中丁若泓


2015 Fujian liberal arts college entrance exam 663 points: lianjiang in Ding Ruohong

2015-06-25 08:59:41来源: 中国教育在线

据厦门日报:2015年福建高考文科状元为连江一中学生丁若泓,文科663分,获福建省省文科第一。据她隔壁班童鞋爆料,若鸿是个胖胖的很可爱的女生,在班级担任学习委员,每次考试几乎都是全年段第一。 20...

according to the Xiamen Daily: 2015 Fujian liberal arts college entrance exam lianjiang middle school students Ding Ruohong, arts 663 points, won the Fujian Province the first liberal arts. According to her next class shoes broke, Ruo Hong is a fat, very cute girls, in class as a member of the study, every time the examination is almost all throughout the year the first paragraph. 20...