新关注 > 信息聚合 > 低调“老干妈”:不再管公司 两会又请假

低调“老干妈”:不再管公司 两会又请假

Low key: "old dopted mother" two sessions and leave no longer pipe company

2017-03-03 05:09:12来源: 中国日报网

最新股权结构中,陶华碧小儿子李妙行持有南明老干妈51%股权;助理刘涛称陶华碧两会因病再请假 2月27日,老干妈新厂区办公行政楼。新京报记者 李春平 摄 “老干妈”牌辣椒酱,国人耳熟能详。而与之形成反差的是,其创始人陶华碧极其低调。 陶华碧平日里就住在老干妈厂区里面,少有外出活动,...

The latest shareholding structure, yesterday you said tomorrow son li miao will own a 51% stake in Ming old dopted mother; Assistant liu tao said yesterday you said tomorrow two sessions on February 27, to ask for leave because of illness, old dopted mother office administration building for the new site. The Beijing news reporter Chun-ping li "old dopted mother" brand hot pepper sauce, Chinese people familiar. Compared with contrast, its founder, yesterday you said tomorrow is extremely low. Yesterday you said tomorrow who lived in a old dopted mother plant, rare to an activity,...