新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天气转凉儿科门诊过敏的占两成


The weather turns cool pediatric outpatient allergy accounted for twenty percent

2016-10-11 05:20:48来源: 新浪

孩子体质过敏已经越来越普遍 说起过敏,济南32岁的张女士有一肚子苦水,“我家宝宝八个月的时候开始生病,先是发烧咳嗽,后来不发烧了,但咳嗽仍然不断,咳嗽了半个多月才好。刚开始医生说是支气管炎,吃药...

Jinan children allergic constitution is becoming more and more popular with allergies, ms zhang, 32, is full of bitter "my baby eight months of age began to sicken, fever, cough, then don't have a fever, but still cough, cough for more than half a month. At first, the doctor says is bronchitis medication...