新关注 > 信息聚合 > 读者集团进军国内高端IT产品领域


Reader group marches into the domestic high-end IT products field

2015-08-18 07:45:51来源: 每日甘肃网

读者集团进军国内高端IT产品领域 推出Windows 10首款商务办公平板电脑DZ108 8月17日,读者数码联手国际顶级IT厂商英特尔、微软,推出Windows 10首款商务办公平板电脑DZ...

Reader group enters the domestic high-end IT product field to launch the Windows 10 business office tablet computer DZ108 August 17th, the reader digital joint international top IT manufacturers Intel, Microsoft, the launch Windows 10 business office tablet computer DZ...