新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丰富细节 索尼A99(单机)仅售11552元

丰富细节 索尼A99(单机)仅售11552元

Rich detail Sony A99 (single) only sold 11552 yuan

2015-08-17 18:35:16来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线兰州行情】2015年08月17日,索尼 A99(单机)数码相机在中关村在线认证经销商“兰州锐志数码专卖”报价为11552元。索尼A99是索尼推出的首款全画幅单电相机,它采用全画幅Exmo...

[Zhongguancun Online Lanzhou market] 17 August 2015, Sony A99 (single) digital camera in the Zhongguancun Online authentication distributor "Lanzhou Reiz digital monopoly" offer to 11552 yuan. A99 is Sony Sony launched the first full frame single camera, it uses a full frame Exmo...

标签: 索尼