新关注 > 信息聚合 > 300元1小时的“周杰伦网吧”,你会去吗?


300 yuan for 1 hour "jay Chou" Internet cafes, where would you go?

2017-07-03 23:47:36来源: 点石成鑫

歌坛天王的周杰伦,一直都在经营自己的生意,从周杰伦饭店到现在的周杰伦网吧。7月2日,媒体报道了一则 “周杰伦网吧300元一小时”的新闻。在行业没落之际,周杰伦网吧凭什么敢喊出天价,而网吧的未来究竟又...

Pop singer jay Chou, have been running my own business, from the hotel to jay jay Internet cafe. On July 2, the media reported that a "jay Chou cafe 300 yuan an hour". Decline in industry, Internet cafes with what jay dare to shout, and the future of Internet cafe...