新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中兴AXON天机评测:一次性尝遍所有顶配


Evaluation of ZTE axon secret: disposable tasted all top with

2015-07-28 16:58:48来源: 华商网

天机系列一直都是中兴手机旗舰级产品的代名词,以往该系列一般是一年更新一代, 每一代机型都紧跟时代的步伐被赋予较具竞争力的功能,但若是对比其他品牌,大家都会发觉中兴仿佛缺少了一款由里到外都有商务范儿的...

secret series always synonymous with ZTE mobile flagship product. In the past, the series is generally a year of a new generation. Each generation models follow the pace of the times has been given a more competitive, but if compared to other brands, everyone will find ZTE seemed to lack a from the inside to the outside are business...