新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《元气骑士》下载量突破400万 高质之作魅力惊人

《元气骑士》下载量突破400万 高质之作魅力惊人

The vigour knight downloads exceed 4 million high-quality works of charm

2017-04-25 16:05:02来源: 4399

上周,《元气骑士》上架之处就获得许多玩家好评,许多应用商店也纷纷提供了推荐位,在短短数日之内《元气骑士》的下载量就突破了400万。至今仍是好评如潮,下载数据仍在直线上涨。 元气骑士【安卓版下载】【...

Last week, the vigour knight shelf place have many players, many of the app store have also provides recommendations, in a short span of days from rider to surpass the 4 million downloads. Is still rave reviews, download data is still in the line up. From the knight android version download 【 】...