新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火影忍者漫画668话最新更新《阿凯老师我爱你》


Naruto manga 668 words of the latest update "Akai teacher I love you"

2014-03-12 19:28:48来源: 游侠网

在场所有人都劝阿凯不要开死门。但是凯帅气的表示我意已决! 然后再帅气的跟小李装了下逼~斑爷看到了阿凯的裸体,发现查克拉走动已经改变。 然后是阿凯的回忆~大家可以看到小时候的阿凯简直就是萌。还...

Akai tried to persuade all those present not to open the gates of death. But Kay handsome Italy has decided that I am! Then cool down with Mike installed a plaque force ~ God saw Akai nude found chakras move has changed. Then Akai memories - we can see a child's Akai is simply adorable. Also ...