新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伊能静接子放学被偷拍 怒斥狗仔行为恶劣

伊能静接子放学被偷拍 怒斥狗仔行为恶劣

Annie Yi then sub school be candid accosted the paparazzi bad behavior

2014-06-04 01:09:41来源: 新浪

伊能静与儿子 伊能静微博斥责狗仔行为恶劣 新浪娱乐讯 6月3日下午,伊能静发微博称,自己接孩子放学时被台湾狗仔偷拍,孩子吓得停住几秒,而她出于母亲本能转身夺记者机器。她在文中难掩愤怒,表示自己...

Annie Yi and son Annie Yi micro-blog rebuked the paparazzi bad behavior the Sina entertainment news on June 3rd afternoon, Annie Yi Fawei Bo said, her pick up children from school of Taiwan when the paparazzi candid camera, children frighten stopped a few seconds, and her maternal instincts took reporters turned out machine. She in the paper can not conceal his anger, said he...