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Millet 5 real machine exposure? No borders too much like the music as a super

2015-07-27 20:23:11来源: TechWeb

小米5真机曝光?这边框也是醉了 小米5、小米5顶配版的消息之前甚嚣尘上了一段时间,现在又沉寂了下来,真假也无从确认。今天,网上又出现了两张所谓的小米5真机谍照。 从照片上看,小米5将采用ID无边框设计,屏占比也相当高,简直像极了乐视超级手机,但是小米会这么赤裸裸的致敬吗? 底部可以...

mobile phone millet 5 real machine exposure? Before the news of this border is drunk millet 5, millet top 5 with a version of rampant in the period of time, and now silent, true and false have no way of knowing for sure. Today, the Internet has emerged two so-called millet 5 spy photos. From the photo, millet 5 will use ID no frame design, the proportion of the screen is also quite high, almost like a super music as a super mobile phone, but millet will be so naked? Bottom can...