新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江南大学自主招生:考生限报一个专业类


Jiangnan University self enrollment: candidates are restricted to a professional category.

2017-03-25 02:09:56来源: 新浪

江南大学(分数线,专业设置)3月24日发布2017年自主招生简章。面向全国自主招生,招生计划数不超过112人。共有12个专业类别,下设17个专业招生,其中12个理科专业,1个文科专业,工商管理类(工商管理、会计学)和教育学类(小学教育、教育技术类)文理兼收。 江南大学自主招生报名时间...

Jiangnan University (fractional line, professional setting) issued the 2017 self enrollment prospectus in March 24th. The number of enrollment plans for the national autonomous enrollment is not more than 112. There are 12 professional categories, with 17 professional enrolment, of which 12 science majors, 1 liberal arts majors, Business Administration (Business Administration, accounting) and Education (primary education and education technology). Jiangnan University independent enrollment time...