新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坚守动物防疫关 确保过节舌尖安

坚守动物防疫关 确保过节舌尖安

Stick to animal epidemic prevention Ensure that the feast the tip of the tongue

2017-02-04 18:05:52来源: 河北新闻网

新春之际,肉品的消费量明显增加。 为保证市民们舌尖上的安全,春节成了市农业局动物检验检疫人员最忙碌的时候…… 1月30日上午,农历正月初三,在惠友超市的鲜肉冷藏柜前,两位检疫人员随机抽查肉品,不...

New Year, meat consumption increased significantly. In order to ensure the safety of the citizens on the tip of the tongue, Spring Festival is a farm animal the busiest time of the inspection and quarantine personnel... 30 January morning, the day of the first lunar month, grade 3 in HuiYou supermarket fresh meat freezer, two quarantine personnel random inspection of meat, no...