新关注 > 信息聚合 > 4K无人机航拍视频展示特斯拉“超级工厂”宏大规模


4K UAV aerial video shows Tesla's "super factory" grand scale

2016-12-26 11:50:20来源: TechWeb

新浪科技讯 北京时间12月26日上午消息,特斯拉正在美国内华达州建设一座“超级工厂”,计划到2018年支撑超过50万辆汽车的年产量目标。虽然这座工厂尚未完全建成,但已经部分投入使用。 4K无人机航...

Sina Technology News Beijing time in the morning of December 26th news, Tesla is building a "super factory" in the state of Nevada, the plan to support the annual output of more than 500 thousand cars by 2018 target. Although this factory has not yet been completed, it has been partly put into use. 4K unmanned aircraft...

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