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WiiU终落幕 成任天堂史上销量最差产品

WiiU eventually end As nintendo worst product sales in history

2017-02-04 00:48:22来源: 新浪

任天堂近日发布了2016年财务简报,报告中更新了WiiU的销售数据。根据这份报告,WiiU的生命已经走到了尽头,截至2016年12月累计销量仅为1356万台。 这一数字相比2016年9月的累计销...

Nintendo recently released its 2016 financial newsletter, updated WiiU sales data in the report. According to the report, WiiU life has come to an end, as of December 2016, the accumulate sales at 13560000 m. Compared to the number in September, 2016, the cumulative pin...

标签: 任天堂