新关注 > 信息聚合 > 组图:杨秀惠投七位数开店 陈展鹏被误中途转基

组图:杨秀惠投七位数开店 陈展鹏被误中途转基

Photos: Vivien Yeo cast seven digits midway shop Chen Zhanpeng be mistaken for GM

2014-05-12 15:52:18来源: 青岛网络电视台

新浪娱乐讯杨秀惠以七位数投资美容生意,其妹也是投资者之一,更是陈展鹏粉丝,所以请了展鹏做嘉宾。展鹏表示近年不断有人介绍女性给他,还被怀疑性取向。TUNGSTAR/文并图 新浪娱乐讯杨秀惠以七位数...

LOS ANGELES Vivien Yeo seven-figure investment in the beauty business, and his sister is one of the investors, it is Chen Zhanpeng fans, so the Redgate a guest. Redgate said that in recent years there have been introduced women to him, was also suspected of sexual orientation. TUNGSTAR / text and chart LOS ANGELES Vivien Yeo to seven the number of ...