新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果又双叒叕开零售店了!昆明店1月21日开业


Apple and double 叒 叕 open retail stores! Kunming store opened on January 21st

2017-01-10 04:35:34来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】1月9日消息,苹果官网的信息显示,苹果又要在国内开设零售店了,这一次选址在了云南昆明的顺城购物中心,1月21日上午10点将举办开幕活动。 苹果又双叒叕开零售店了!昆明店1月21日开业 这是苹果在中国大陆开设的第39家零售店了,加上昆明店,苹果已经在中国大陆的14...

【 】 TechWeb reported on January 9 news, apple's official website information display, apple need to open stores in domestic again, this time the location of shun city shopping center in kunming, yunnan, at 10 a.m. on January 21, held the opening activities. Apple and double 叒 叕 open retail stores! Kunming store opened on January 21st This is apple's 39th in mainland China to open retail stores, plus the kunming store, apple has 14 in China...

标签: 苹果