新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汕头市存心武术学校9年来免费培训学生


Shantou deliberately martial arts school nine years free training students

2015-08-24 12:46:06来源: 中国经济导报

中国经济导报网 赵丽蓉、林少丽、记者罗勉 汕头市存心武术学校,自2006年开设武术班,就以贫困单亲儿童为主要服务对象,义务教导武术,9年来免费培训超5万人次,并培养出许多优秀的武术人才。在汕头市礐石...

China Economic Herald Zhao Lirong, Shao Li Lin, the reporter Luo Mian in Shantou City, deliberately martial arts school, since 2006 opened a martial arts class, is in a poor single parent children as the main service object, the obligation to teach martial arts, nine years of free training over 5 million passengers and cultivate many outstanding martial arts talent. In Shantou City, Hu shi...