新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何炅谢娜赵薇杨幂冯绍峰 揭女星与男闺蜜微妙关系

何炅谢娜赵薇杨幂冯绍峰 揭女星与男闺蜜微妙关系

He Jiong Sheenah Zhao Wei Yang Mi William Feng Jie actress and male close friend relationship

2014-06-08 17:04:52来源: 山东新闻网


in the entertainment circle, a lot of stars will always be rumored, not ambiguous is full of affection, because in the entertainment circle work star personal will and career tangled together. But the speculation by the media is together lovers past such as pocket and intimate, and now was mocking words strangers. Chen Kun.