新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每日健康豆知识(630):不宜用保温杯泡茶


Daily health knowledge of beans (630): it is not advisable to make tea with warm cups.

2016-02-16 11:39:24来源: 39健康网

分享到微信朋友圈 “扫一扫”分享 核心提示:每日健康豆知识第630:喝茶养生是我国渊源流长的文化,但是,喜欢喝茶,喝不对就等同于白喝了。 喝茶养生是我国渊源流长的文化,但是,喜欢喝茶,喝不对...

Share the WeChat friend circle "sweep one sweep" sharing the core tips: daily health bean knowledge 630th: drinking tea and health is the culture of the long history of our country, but like drinking tea, drinking is the same as white drink. Drinking tea is the source of our culture, but I like drinking tea and drinking it wrong.