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从硬件到赛事 英特尔打造全民电竞航母

From hardware to match Intel to forge the e-sports carrier

2017-04-18 03:33:23来源: 中关村在线

英特尔大师挑战赛(Intel Master Challenger)旨在挖掘全国玩家中具有准职业级水准的选手,并将在全国七座大城市巡回举办分站赛,为之打造梦想的战斗舞台。2017年4月16日,英特尔大...

Intel Master challenge (Intel Master Challenger) to tap the player to play in the home has a professional level level, and will be held in seven cities across the country touring Asia, for the dream stage. On April 16, 2017, Intel's big...

标签: 电竞