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《如果爱》王阳明情系张俪 “黎明夫妇”受热捧

"If you love" Wang Yangming feelings of Zhang Li, "Dawn couple" touted

2014-06-05 09:22:24来源: 娄底新闻网

Sunny和张俪节目配对成功 Sunny王阳明和张俪甜蜜约会 娄底新闻网讯 国内首挡明星恋爱真人秀《如果爱》从5月25日开播以来,观众反响热烈,最受热捧的当属Sunny王阳明张俪的“黎明夫妇”,男神女神配对,十分养眼。据悉,王阳明与张俪在节目中首次牵手互动后,粉丝们大呼不过瘾,纷纷求...

Sunny and Zhang Li program successfully paired Sunny Wang Yang and Zhang Li sweet dating Loudi News Network - China's first stop star love reality show "Love" Since the May 25 launch, the audience responded enthusiastically, undoubtedly the most favorable Sunny Zhang Li Wang Yangming's "Dawn couple" god goddess pairing is very seductive. It is reported that Zhang Li Wang Yangming first hand interaction with the show, fans shouted unfulfilling, have requirements ...