新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为媒体实验室副总裁Bo Begole出席国际体验设计..

华为媒体实验室副总裁Bo Begole出席国际体验设计..

Bo Begole, vice president of Huawei's Media Lab to attend an international experience design ..

2014-05-23 10:35:10来源: DoNews

华为媒体实验室全球负责人兼副总裁Bo Begole确认出席由IXDC主办的2014国际体验设计大会。 Bo Begole现任华为媒体实验室全球负责人兼副总裁,负责业务涵盖中国、美国、欧洲和俄罗斯...

Bo Begole Huawei's global head of the Media Lab and Vice President confirmed to attend the 2014 International Experience Design Conference hosted by the IXDC. Bo Begole Huawei Media Lab is currently vice president, global head of responsible business covers China, the U.S., Europe and Russia ...