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西甲-C罗破门伊斯科2球 皇马5-0大胜6分领跑

La liga - cristiano ronaldo scored his division 2 ball real Madrid 5-0 win 6 minutes

2017-01-08 00:37:00来源: 华体网

C罗与自己的4座金球奖杯 北京时间1月7日20:00,2016/17赛季西甲第17轮,皇马主场迎战格拉纳达。上半时,伊斯科独中两元,本泽马传射建功,C罗也打进一球;下半时,卡塞米罗锦上添花。最终皇...

Cristiano ronaldo and his four golden trophy on January 7, 8 PM (Beijing time), the 2016/17 season, west re-scheduled week 17 rounds, real Madrid at home against granada. First, Mr Scored two, this jersey Ma Chuan shoot, cristiano ronaldo scored a goal; The second card millo the icing on the cake. Finally the emperor...