新关注 > 信息聚合 > 泰达新援父亲曾是帕帅队友 盼与米克尔成室友

泰达新援父亲曾是帕帅队友 盼与米克尔成室友

Teda new signings father was a handsome teammates Looking forward to with mikel into a roommate

2017-01-08 00:37:00来源: 华体网

1月7日 在阿贾克斯官宣球队的后腰古德尔耶加盟中超球队天津泰达后,这名塞尔维亚国脚便马不停蹄前往泰达的冬训地与球队会和。在接受天津电视台《体坛新视野》的采访时,古德尔耶表示自己希望能早点融入球队,同...

On January 7th at ajax officer xuan the team's defensive midfielder goodall since joining the Chinese super league team tianjin teda, the Serbian international is on for the winter training with the team and the teda. In the "sports new horizons" tianjin television interview, goodall said he hopes to early into the team, with...