新关注 > 信息聚合 > 徐州八项工程开发黄河故道 贫困带变生态走廊

徐州八项工程开发黄河故道 贫困带变生态走廊

Xuzhou eight projects development poverty the old course of the Yellow River with variable ecological corridor

2015-05-31 09:51:52来源: 人民网江苏视窗

徐州黄河故道,昔日的贫困带已成绿色生态走廊 资料图片 接天莲叶无穷碧的美景 资料图片 160年前,黄河改道,在江苏四个地市留下了一条故道。交通闭塞、环境恶劣、地理位置偏僻,沿线经过百余年发展...

Xuzhou old course of the Yellow River, past poverty belt has become a green ecological corridor profile picture then endless days of lotus jade beauty picture information 160 years ago, the Yellow River Diversion, in the four cities of Jiangsu left a Oxbow. The traffic is occluded, the environment is bad and the location is remote, along the route of a hundred years of development...