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《极速2》女导演试任务 困难都是可以克服的

"Speed 2 female director test task difficulty are can be overcome by Sohu

2015-08-18 14:20:34来源: 搜狐

女导演张弛 搜狐娱乐讯 “这节目太疯狂了!”、“太变态了!”自《极速前进》第二季在深圳卫视开播以来,类似这样的评价就络绎不绝。高空蹦极、斗牛、水下逃生、爬50米高的软梯......那些在节目里把...

female director relaxation Sohu Entertainment News" program this is crazy! " "Too sick!" Since the "Amazing Race" in the second quarter, Shenzhen TV since its launch, similar to the evaluation in a continuous line. Bungee jump, bullfighting, underwater escape, climbing 50 meters tall ladder in the show to those.....