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To a forest concert of poetry and painting first

2016-09-24 11:24:55来源: 东北网

东北网9月23日讯(记者 白林鹤)作为五花山森林文化周重要的组成部份,五花山森林诗画音乐会将于24日在亚布力旅游度假区上演。23日,记者来到亚布力旅游度假区熊猫馆前看到,音乐会舞台已经搭建完毕,节目...

Northeast network - September 23 (reporter Bai Linhe) as part of the forest culture Zhou Chongyao WuHuaShan WuHuaShan forest concert of poetry and painting in yabuli resort on 24th. 23, the reporter comes to yabuli resort to see before the panda enclosure, the concert stage has been set up, show...