新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内首个智慧农业示范基地落户“菜乡”


First domestic agricultural demonstration base in wisdom "hometown cuisine"

2016-07-01 17:14:54来源: 中国信息产业网

落成仪式现场 CNII网讯 7月1日,作为向建党95周年的献礼,由联通承建的智慧农业示范基地在“菜蔬之乡”山东寿光正式落成并投入使用。 该基地围绕“互联网+现代农业”主题,将农业产业链中的选种、...

Completion ceremony the CNII on July 1, as a tribute to the 95th anniversary of the founding, by the wisdom of the unicom building agricultural demonstration base in "the hometown of herb" shandong shouguang formally completed and put into use. The base around the theme "Internet + modern agriculture", the agricultural industrial chain of seed selection,...