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《300英雄》魔法少女奈叶 魔炮娘降临新区

The 300 hero "magical girl Nai leaf magic cannon Niang came to new

2015-07-15 12:31:18来源: 新浪

天朝神作动漫对战类网游《300英雄》7月17日将有两大新区同步开启!电信【失落圣诞】与网通【圆环之理】暑期强势降临永恒之地,在炎炎烈日掀起动漫新风暴! 在7月17日的版本中,新英雄高町奈叶将伴随玩家的期待降临战场,让我们一起了解下高町奈叶的属性吧,提前预习,玩的时候更666! 高...

heavenly Muse animation on war kind the net swims" 300 hero "on July 17 will have two new synchronously opened! Telecom [lost] and the "ring of the sun," the summer strength of the eternal summer, the hot sun set off a new animation storm! In July 17 version, new hero takamachi NANOHA will accompany players look forward to coming battlefield, let us together to understand the attributes of high CHO NANOHA, preview, playing time more 666! High...