新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传奇世界》十四年经典升级,一亿传世兄弟重聚江湖


The legendary world 14 years classic upgrades, one hundred million handed down brother reunion

2017-08-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年7月是个重要的月份,因为游戏届一大盛事2017年ChinaJoy展,任帅去了ChinaJoy的游戏展,也给分数小伙板门带来了2017年ChinaJoy展盛况,2017ChinaJoy展总面积创历年之最,参展商家近千家,已经跻身于世界顶级游戏展会。星APP特派员任帅在现场为为粉丝小伙伴们一探现场究竟腾讯应用宝独家冠名的星APP星云榜,星APP家族又和大家见面了,今天要给大家呈现的手游就是《传奇世界》。 本次来的星APP家族现场的嘉宾是 歌手丁克森。以及童苡宣。今天给大家带来打游戏是《传奇世界》对于80后来说 《传奇世界》是很有情怀的,当年可以说是风靡游戏行业。当年《传奇世界》真...

In July 2017, is a very important month, because the game the biggest event ChinaJoy expo 2017, ren shuai to ChinaJoy game show, have also brought score guy door ChinaJoy expo in 2017, 2017 ChinaJoy exhibition area of gen, participating merchants nearly thousand, is among the world's top game show. Ren shuai star APP correspondent at the scene of the scene for the fans friends to find out what tencent application name to treasure star APP nebula, a list of star APP family and meet you again, today will give everyone present hand swim is "the legend of the world". The star of this to the scene of the guests is a singer Ding Kesen APP family. And TongYi xuan. Bring you play the game today is the legend of the world for 80 later said "the legend of the world" is a very have feelings, that can be said to be the popular game industry. The world of legends, really...