新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3岁孩子玩QQ游戏误刷掉6千余元 8天内扣费数十次

3岁孩子玩QQ游戏误刷掉6千余元 8天内扣费数十次

3 years old of children play a game of QQ error to brush off more than 6 yuan within 8 days of deductions for dozens of times

2015-03-05 09:59:46来源: 福州新闻网

资料图 核心提示丨不少人还沉浸在抢红包的喜悦中,可郑州市民张先生却因微信支付开始闹心。他告诉记者,短短八天内,家里三岁孩子玩手机QQ游戏时“无意”累计买了近7000元的游戏“钻石”,这期间无需支付密码,也没有短信提示。对此腾讯回复称,某些游戏200元以下的快捷支付可免输入密码。业内人...

data graph core tip. Many people still immersed in the joy of rush, Zhengzhou resident Mr. Zhang but because WeChat payment began to wander. He told reporters, a short span of eight days, home three years old the child to play mobile phone QQ Games "accidentally" cumulative bought nearly 7000 yuan game "diamond", need not pay a password during this period, no message. This Tencent reply said, some game 200 yuan of the following shortcut payment can enter the password. People in the industry...

标签: 游戏