新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访丨viaTOUR王翊:做抖音之外的另一种生活方式


Interview 丨 viaTOUR Jeff wong: do trill outside of another way of life

2018-04-07 21:35:00来源: 品途网

文娱价值官解读: 对于创业者而言,盈利是最终的目的还是达到目的的方式?在不同的创业者者身上可能有不同的答案,但是王翊告诉我们,赚钱不是目的,做好的内容,自然就会盈利。 撰文丨占太林 编辑丨沈多 远离熬夜,提防抖音。 这是近来朋友圈被热议的一个话题,如何才能不熬夜?下面齐刷刷地评论:远离抖音。由此可见,抖音对大家生活的影响有多严重,记者身边的一位朋友说,打开抖音后,不自觉地刷着,一直刷一直刷,一不小心就好几个小时过去了,自然也就熬夜了。 但这也是抖音饱受诟病的地方,它提供了一种碎片化毫无营养的娱乐方式,让它的用户沉溺其中,虽不会伤害到用户,也仅仅是消耗用户时间的一个“奶嘴”...

Officer reading: cultural value for entrepreneurs, profit is the ultimate purpose is to achieve the purpose of way? On different entrepreneurs who may have different answers, but Jeff wong told us that money is not the goal, completes the content, nature will be profitable. Writing 丨 too edit 丨 shen Lin away from staying up late, if the sound. It's circle of friends recently has been a hot topic, how to don't stay up late? Under the uniformly comment on: stay away from the trill. Trill, therefore, is life to everybody how serious the influence of reporters around a friend said, after open the trill, unconsciously, brush, brush brush, has been a carelessly several hours passed, nature also stay up late. & have spent But it is also a trill much-maligned place, it provides a fragmented no nutritional form of entertainment, let its users to wallow, is not harm to the user, also is only consumption user time a "pacifier"...

标签: 抖音