新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL五折英雄皮肤名单汇总 各英雄折后价出炉

LOL五折英雄皮肤名单汇总 各英雄折后价出炉

LOL half off heroic skin list summary of the hero discount

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

lol在10月14日推出了五折英雄皮肤的限时活动,赶紧和小编一起来看看折扣名单有没自己心仪的英雄吧。 以下道具将在10月14日~10月20日5折销售: 同时,10月13日~10月19日开始的5折活动仍在继续,欢迎召唤师选购 铁血狙击手 凯特琳 驯龙女巫 璐璐 职业杀手 卢锡安 瑟庄妮·逐晓者 战地巨兽 科加斯

Lol launched a time limit for the half off heroic skin in October 14th. Let's get together and look at the discounted list of heroes who don't have their own mind. The following items will be sold in October 14th ~10 20 March 50 percent off: at the same time, ~10 began in October 13th 19 March 50 percent off activities continue, welcome to buy &nbsp Summoner; iron dragon tamer sniper Caitlin Wu Lu Lu occupation killer Lu Zion   Joseph Zhuang Ni, who by Xiao ghoga, battlefield monster

标签: LOL