新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩宝石大联萌游戏也能赚到代金券和现金红包,你信吗?


Gem big league of games also can earn cash vouchers and a red envelope, you believe it?

2017-09-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

去年支付宝集五福,你们还记得吗?几千万人除夕夜疯狂的点着手机屏幕, “咻”声不绝于耳, 在换了各种姿势“扫福”后 加了N个好友“换福”后 感觉自己离2亿的小目标更近了 但是最后仅有80万人集齐。 (支付宝集五福) 抢到现金红包的皆大欢喜,没抢到的怀疑人生 欲哭无泪….. 如果小编告诉您,现在有这么个事儿 不需要花钱 不需要购物 更不需要费尽心思去集卡片 上班这么辛苦这么累,只需要动动手指 简简单单玩个游戏 您就可以免费领取各种代金券、折扣券和百元现金 您觉得怎么样? 谁告诉您天上不会掉馅饼的? 现在告诉你 只要玩猜哪网宝石大联盟 这些都是可以实...

Wufu alipay set last year, do you remember? Tens of millions of people crazy fire on New Year's eve, the phone's screen "whew" sound, after in the various postures "blessing" added N friends after "fu" change Feel closer to 200 million of small target But in the end only 800000 sets. Wufu (alipay set) get the cash bonus as you like it, not to doubt life Want to cry... .. If small make up to tell you that there is such a thing now Don't need to spend money Don't need to shopping More don't need to set card to work so hard so tired, only need to use your finger to simply play a game You can free to receive all kinds of vouchers, coupons, and one hundred yuan in cash How do you like it? Who told you heaven won't fall pie? Tell you now As long as the gem major league play guess which network These are all can be real...

标签: 游戏