新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝京东取消快递员底薪,官方回应


Expose Jingdong to cancel courier base salary, official response

2019-04-08 06:27:17来源: IT之家

IT之家4月8日消息 昨晚有媒体报道称,京东将取消旗下快递员的底薪,另外将增加快递收件任务,揽件将计入绩效,直接影响工资收入,也就是说快递员的收入以后全凭绩效了。另有网友爆料,京东还将降低快递员的公积金系数,从12%降到7%,下调了5%。对此,京东物流官微进行了回应,关于取消旗下快递员的底薪,京东称如今京东物流独立运营之后,不仅服务京东商城自身的订单,还有大量外部订单业务,大客户业务以及个人快递的揽件业务等等,原来的薪酬结构已经不适应新的模式,无法对绩效优异的员工体现出足够的激励。因此,我们在部分地区试点将底薪转变成更有激励性的业务提成。关于降低快递员的公积金系数传闻,京东在回应中称,今年以来...

IT House April 8 News last night, the media reported that Jingdong will cancel the base salary of its courier, in addition to increase the Courier Collection task, the range will be counted into the performance, directly affect the salary income, that is, the courier's income after the full performance. Another netizen blasted, Jingdong will also reduce the Courier's Provident Fund coefficient, from 12% to 7%, cut 5%. In this regard, Jingdong logistics officials slightly responded, about the elimination of its courier base salary, Jingdong said that now Jingdong Logistics independent operation, not only to serve Jingdong Mall's own orders, but also a large number of external orders business, large customer business and personal courier range Business, and so on, the original compensation structure has not adapted to the new model, Not be able to show enough motivation for well-performing employees. As a result, we have piloted the base salary into a more motivating business commission in some areas. On the reduction of Courier Provident Fund coefficient Rumors, Jingdong in response, said that this year ...

标签: 京东