新关注 > 信息聚合 > 越南籍选手正式加入Snake战队 成为LPL非韩外援

越南籍选手正式加入Snake战队 成为LPL非韩外援

Vietnam's officially join the Snake team become the LPL Korean foreign aid

2016-05-21 11:26:20来源: 巴士LOL

今日17:40分,SNAKE电子竞技俱乐部正式宣布越南籍打野SOFM加入俱乐部! 文字版如下: 即日起,越南籍选手黎光维正式加盟Snake电子竞技俱乐部,Snake.Sofm将成为LPL历史上第一位非韩外援。 作为东南亚赛区公认的最强选手,Sofm曾经包揽了东南亚服务器1-5名...

Today in summer, the SNAKE e-sports club officially announced the Vietnamese wild SOFM to join the club! Text version is as follows: from now on, they're officially join the Snake Li Guang d e-sports club, Snake. The Sofm will become the first in the history of LPL than Korean foreign aid. Recognized as the strongest player as southeast Asia division, Sofm once swept southeast Asia server 1-5...