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妹子分享众多朋友情谊 借花献佛回忆爆棚

Sister share many friends friendship We recall the roof

2016-03-12 21:07:52来源: 游久网

时间和情义 那一年小学毕业了,刚升入初中,一次很偶然的机会看到了大话西游2的视频,很有国风的画面,那一瞬间我被吸引住了,那时候的我们真的很单纯,什么都不懂,但也玩的很开心,也算是逗比欢乐多。 那时候为了玩大话,家里网络较卡的,直接电话到学校门口的网吧预约包机,一放学出门就拐进去。...

The time and kindness That year of primary school, just to junior high school, a very accidental opportunity to see the 2 video, a Chinese Odyssey is very special, that moment I was attracted, then we really is very simple, what all don't understand, but also play of very happy, also be made more than joy. At that time to play, home network CARDS, Internet cafes booking charter flights direct call to the school gate, a school to go out and turn in. ...