新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火炬之光》手机版日服明年开放 说好的国服呢?

《火炬之光》手机版日服明年开放 说好的国服呢?

"The light of the torch" mobile phone version of the day to open next year to say that the national service?

2016-01-06 19:39:27来源: 4399

说在今年E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo/Exposition)、科隆两大游戏展会上最出风头的手游产品,相信一定非《Touchlight》(火炬之光)移动版莫属了,而这款号称改变传统游戏模式的“手游大作”(姑且先这么称呼)何时能够上架也成了广大玩家关注的重...

Said in the two game exhibition in Cologne, and this year's E3 (electronic entertainment Expo/Exposition) the limelight of travel products, I believe that necessarily the Touchlight "(the torch light) mobile version of none, and this is known as change the traditional game mode" tour started "(tentatively first so called) when the shelves has become concerned about the vast number of players.